A whole new knitting place to spend some time in, hot diggity.
Just in time for me to go on vacation for 2 weeks
heh heh heh
Have I mentioned lately how much I love the knitting community? Just 5 min in the forums exposed me to so many very talented (and funny) people. How loverly :0)
Now y'all will have to forgive me, but I am going to be completely off line for at least these two weeks. But never fear, I'm taking my knitting AND my camera :D
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Micronic Mistakes of the Costly Kind
This last Monday Daddio's employer came up to him asking why we had not responded to the offer that was given almost 3 weeks ago. He had been dropping hints that he was open and ready to talk, but was simply told that we were crunching numbers, looking at things, we would let him know when we were ready to talk.
Well on this fine Monday,*giggle* Daddio was done dodging the question and whats more, was feeling able to be completely honest. Hit em with both barrels, not in an angry freak out pompous 'how dare you offer such trollop" mode that was likely the attitude he would have had a few weeks ago. Cool off time is a brilliant thing. But he calmly, FIRMLY, pointed out why the offer was complete crap and an insult to boot. He said it was so freeing to be that honest (and interesting watching the back pedaling). He confronted the fact that they expect us to go live in some kind of poverty. Boss did his predictable "but you have already been getting the highest raises the last 3 years" shuffling his papers around and such. Hubbo looked him straight in the face and said "that really doesn't matter. You know we are living cheap, in my fathers house, and that's the only reason we get by on what little I make now. No one time bonus is going to sustain anything for my family. You expect me to take my family away from what little support we have here, move them to where we know nobody, and ADD the cost of housing to our expenses with no cost adjustment at all? I already discussed with you that we had looked into the real estate market there and even the 200g homes are covered in burglar bars. I can only assume you could care less what neighborhood my children are raised in, because clearly we could only afford the ghetto on this offer. That is completely unacceptable and I did not think there was anything further to discuss since it shows you really don't think I'm worth very much."
Razzle Freakin Dazzle baby*, WHOOT!
Plus I think he was even able to point out HUGE mistakes that were being made by the company and remind him that we HAD offered to go down early so these costly mistakes would have been avoided.
For instance: Micron. This is a unit of measurement that is used in high precision machines. One micron is about 1/100 of the thickness of a single sheet of paper. TeeeTiny right?
The machines Daddio builds are required to remain in certain tolerances measured in microns. These machines are steel. Steel expands with heat. Running the machines creates heat. So you can imagine the delicate balance it takes to get these tolerances perfectly balanced.
The new guy in Cincinnati decided that putting air conditioning in the new building was too costly. Ummm McFly?
Yeah, I know, how obtuse is that? Steel warehouses, even with doors open are not exactly cool places to be, temperature wise. Getting the machine balanced in the warehouse(if it's even possible with the temp varying all day) wont mean diddly once it gets to the client, everything will constantly be grossly out of whack. Talk about costly, this is a mistake that will keep on giving. Also consider oxidation. No AC means there is nothing controlling the humidity levels. Metal parts. Idiot.
It was really fantastic to see my husbands face after work that day. All those little things that had been eating at him, but he was not rocking the boat (swedes sheesh) was taking more of a toll on his mood and attitude than I realized. We are both keenly aware that the new employment prospect is not a done deal, but we are just as aware that we have no future with this current company. We are completely in God's hands, and as odd as it sounds to those not in Christ, we are just not worried about it. We will be fine, something great is on our horizon, and frankly it will be a relief to be done with a company that treats it's clients AND employees, so poorly. That afternoon he was walking taller for the honesty, and ya know what? The truth really did set him free. :0)
* Lost fans will understand, others, well just know it is really funny okay?......so is me calling you 'others'
Well on this fine Monday,*giggle* Daddio was done dodging the question and whats more, was feeling able to be completely honest. Hit em with both barrels, not in an angry freak out pompous 'how dare you offer such trollop" mode that was likely the attitude he would have had a few weeks ago. Cool off time is a brilliant thing. But he calmly, FIRMLY, pointed out why the offer was complete crap and an insult to boot. He said it was so freeing to be that honest (and interesting watching the back pedaling). He confronted the fact that they expect us to go live in some kind of poverty. Boss did his predictable "but you have already been getting the highest raises the last 3 years" shuffling his papers around and such. Hubbo looked him straight in the face and said "that really doesn't matter. You know we are living cheap, in my fathers house, and that's the only reason we get by on what little I make now. No one time bonus is going to sustain anything for my family. You expect me to take my family away from what little support we have here, move them to where we know nobody, and ADD the cost of housing to our expenses with no cost adjustment at all? I already discussed with you that we had looked into the real estate market there and even the 200g homes are covered in burglar bars. I can only assume you could care less what neighborhood my children are raised in, because clearly we could only afford the ghetto on this offer. That is completely unacceptable and I did not think there was anything further to discuss since it shows you really don't think I'm worth very much."
Razzle Freakin Dazzle baby*, WHOOT!
Plus I think he was even able to point out HUGE mistakes that were being made by the company and remind him that we HAD offered to go down early so these costly mistakes would have been avoided.
For instance: Micron. This is a unit of measurement that is used in high precision machines. One micron is about 1/100 of the thickness of a single sheet of paper. TeeeTiny right?
The machines Daddio builds are required to remain in certain tolerances measured in microns. These machines are steel. Steel expands with heat. Running the machines creates heat. So you can imagine the delicate balance it takes to get these tolerances perfectly balanced.
The new guy in Cincinnati decided that putting air conditioning in the new building was too costly. Ummm McFly?
Yeah, I know, how obtuse is that? Steel warehouses, even with doors open are not exactly cool places to be, temperature wise. Getting the machine balanced in the warehouse(if it's even possible with the temp varying all day) wont mean diddly once it gets to the client, everything will constantly be grossly out of whack. Talk about costly, this is a mistake that will keep on giving. Also consider oxidation. No AC means there is nothing controlling the humidity levels. Metal parts. Idiot.
It was really fantastic to see my husbands face after work that day. All those little things that had been eating at him, but he was not rocking the boat (swedes sheesh) was taking more of a toll on his mood and attitude than I realized. We are both keenly aware that the new employment prospect is not a done deal, but we are just as aware that we have no future with this current company. We are completely in God's hands, and as odd as it sounds to those not in Christ, we are just not worried about it. We will be fine, something great is on our horizon, and frankly it will be a relief to be done with a company that treats it's clients AND employees, so poorly. That afternoon he was walking taller for the honesty, and ya know what? The truth really did set him free. :0)
* Lost fans will understand, others, well just know it is really funny okay?......so is me calling you 'others'
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Going to Alabama
We leave for vacation and I am so excited. I love going home to the bay house. It's even cooler that we have a lovely employment prospect that could get us down there permanently :0)
Our family has been living in a job security flux for longer than I wanna think about. His current employer is closing up shop and moving to Cincinatti. He was told he would still have a job....months ago. We've been waiting for the offer. Two weeks ago the hard job offer came in from his current employment about the move to Cincy. It was total junk (putting it very mildly)
Seriously, it would have us at below poverty level again, in ghetto housing. That is total crap.
He came home at lunch the day the offer came in to grouch and rant, was mad as heck. Deservedly so. I tried to get his mood to shift, you know me, "Praise the Lord we know we don't need to be with that company" yadda yadda
I tried, but you know, he went back to work still grouchy. Once there he was talking to the guy who was going to make the move with him and be his new boss (we really like this guy) and Rick was just floored at the backhanded slap that was the job offer. So as they were talking and getting more and more annoyed and just about where he got fed up........................a phone call came in.
It was for tech support on a machine made by this company he works for...only the call was from the company's leading USA competitor. Seems the clients are trying to find people to do the repairs and such because dealing with the original company is such an expensive pain in the arse.
So Hubbo is talking to the guy and being guarded with help, cause it's the competition after all, he finally asks "off the record, what do you guys do?"which leads to a good long conversation, and a few interesting tidbits. Like they are hiring, and expanding but do not yet have the expertise to really work on these machines. The fellah gives Hubbo all the names and phone numbers he would need to talk with, and is really very encouraging.
It would be ALL God to, cause you know, aint it just a curiosity that it's the one company My husband never sent his resume to?
It gets better.
The machine he was giving tech advice for(did I mention he is literally the only man in the usa who knows these swedish made machines inside and out and that's why we expected a MUCH better offer from his current employer? It will cost them 30g a month to bring in equally knowledgeable people from Sweden), is the SAME machine the sales guy dropped the ball on back in December.
Hubbo has jumped through a million hoops for this company trying to make the incompetents actually assist its client and the client knows it. All of the clients are like that. They specifically ask for him because of the efforts he puts into his job. 'Cause he does go the extra mile, and the clients all know the fall outs are not him.
So, it would be great if he got on there, and it's likely a good deal of clients would follow him as well. A win-win situation for the new company and my beloved ;0)
Hubbo hates having his name associated with this group of monkeys in engineering suits. This new place is family owned and Christian to boot! Their work goal page thingy is packed with scripture....AND it happens to be in the area we wanted to move to to begin with! *Happy Dance*
Not done yet
So Hubbo gets the hiring managers # right? The guy is out of the country right now, guess when he will be back?
June 25th, the day we were already going to be in the area on vacation. Isn't that like so totally cool? We planned our vacation a month ago. Gotta love Gods timing hehehehehehehee
Now if the company doesn't want Hubbo, well that's okay, but it would be so fantastic if this was the answer to our prayers and it totally changed his attitude an everything.
But you know me, I mean yall have been through this with me before where I thought something was gonna happen one way, and was let down, so I'm rather cautious on this one, you know?
If God wants this to happen, he will make it happen, in spite of everything.
Himself called the client that was at this new company on his personal cell phone after work hours and they had a nice long chat, and apparently the timing was really nail on perfect. This man offered to talk with the heads of the new company and gave DH plenty of insider tips and we are going in on the 25th to meet everyone. He talked to the orginal tech guy last night only to get his assurance that he would be talking to the hiring guy as well. WHOOT!
Now, yall also know this means I won't be bvlogging after Friday for at least two weeks? Just givin you'se a heads up and a whut whut.
We leave for vacation and I am so excited. I love going home to the bay house. It's even cooler that we have a lovely employment prospect that could get us down there permanently :0)
Our family has been living in a job security flux for longer than I wanna think about. His current employer is closing up shop and moving to Cincinatti. He was told he would still have a job....months ago. We've been waiting for the offer. Two weeks ago the hard job offer came in from his current employment about the move to Cincy. It was total junk (putting it very mildly)
Seriously, it would have us at below poverty level again, in ghetto housing. That is total crap.
He came home at lunch the day the offer came in to grouch and rant, was mad as heck. Deservedly so. I tried to get his mood to shift, you know me, "Praise the Lord we know we don't need to be with that company" yadda yadda
I tried, but you know, he went back to work still grouchy. Once there he was talking to the guy who was going to make the move with him and be his new boss (we really like this guy) and Rick was just floored at the backhanded slap that was the job offer. So as they were talking and getting more and more annoyed and just about where he got fed up........................a phone call came in.
It was for tech support on a machine made by this company he works for...only the call was from the company's leading USA competitor. Seems the clients are trying to find people to do the repairs and such because dealing with the original company is such an expensive pain in the arse.
So Hubbo is talking to the guy and being guarded with help, cause it's the competition after all, he finally asks "off the record, what do you guys do?"which leads to a good long conversation, and a few interesting tidbits. Like they are hiring, and expanding but do not yet have the expertise to really work on these machines. The fellah gives Hubbo all the names and phone numbers he would need to talk with, and is really very encouraging.
It would be ALL God to, cause you know, aint it just a curiosity that it's the one company My husband never sent his resume to?
It gets better.
The machine he was giving tech advice for(did I mention he is literally the only man in the usa who knows these swedish made machines inside and out and that's why we expected a MUCH better offer from his current employer? It will cost them 30g a month to bring in equally knowledgeable people from Sweden), is the SAME machine the sales guy dropped the ball on back in December.
Hubbo has jumped through a million hoops for this company trying to make the incompetents actually assist its client and the client knows it. All of the clients are like that. They specifically ask for him because of the efforts he puts into his job. 'Cause he does go the extra mile, and the clients all know the fall outs are not him.
So, it would be great if he got on there, and it's likely a good deal of clients would follow him as well. A win-win situation for the new company and my beloved ;0)
Hubbo hates having his name associated with this group of monkeys in engineering suits. This new place is family owned and Christian to boot! Their work goal page thingy is packed with scripture....AND it happens to be in the area we wanted to move to to begin with! *Happy Dance*
Not done yet
So Hubbo gets the hiring managers # right? The guy is out of the country right now, guess when he will be back?
June 25th, the day we were already going to be in the area on vacation. Isn't that like so totally cool? We planned our vacation a month ago. Gotta love Gods timing hehehehehehehee
Now if the company doesn't want Hubbo, well that's okay, but it would be so fantastic if this was the answer to our prayers and it totally changed his attitude an everything.
But you know me, I mean yall have been through this with me before where I thought something was gonna happen one way, and was let down, so I'm rather cautious on this one, you know?
If God wants this to happen, he will make it happen, in spite of everything.
Himself called the client that was at this new company on his personal cell phone after work hours and they had a nice long chat, and apparently the timing was really nail on perfect. This man offered to talk with the heads of the new company and gave DH plenty of insider tips and we are going in on the 25th to meet everyone. He talked to the orginal tech guy last night only to get his assurance that he would be talking to the hiring guy as well. WHOOT!
Now, yall also know this means I won't be bvlogging after Friday for at least two weeks? Just givin you'se a heads up and a whut whut.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
sewing up and making more loose ends.......
So my honey bunny, being encouraged by my sewing frenzy of craziness went and bought me an upgrade! This is the main reason for my lack of blogging, I am sewing people! I am so tickled with this new machine, and have been sewing every bit of fabric in sight....which does include any fabric that crosses my path in a store. Seriously, I need help.
Tomorrow I promised the older boys so 3 stooges pillowcases among other projects, I'll get those pics in sooner or later ;)
Meanwhile, here are 3 new dresses for Princess:

Tomorrow I promised the older boys so 3 stooges pillowcases among other projects, I'll get those pics in sooner or later ;)
Meanwhile, here are 3 new dresses for Princess:
Kelly from MyUtopia startled the beeswax outta me LOL
I keep forgetting that this is a world wide web and anyone can randomly stumble across my lil bloggie. I literally sat here scratching my head trying to figure out how she found me and yadda yadda. I'm such a dork. Hi Kelly *wave* nice to meet a fellow Bibliophile.
Thanks for the reminder that if I want people to keep reading, I really gotta update more often heh heh heh
I keep forgetting that this is a world wide web and anyone can randomly stumble across my lil bloggie. I literally sat here scratching my head trying to figure out how she found me and yadda yadda. I'm such a dork. Hi Kelly *wave* nice to meet a fellow Bibliophile.
Thanks for the reminder that if I want people to keep reading, I really gotta update more often heh heh heh
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Electric Goldfish
the gold fish shocked me!
The goldfish have electricity Ma'.
No they don't, they have voracious appetites and wonky habits, but no electricty.
uh huh. they do. they shocked me. Stick your hand in there.
*ponders what joke oldest son is up to - decides to risk it* **further decides to not ask why son was petting the goldfish**
YEOOOOWCH! They ARE electric.......
Somehow or other my goldfish, you know, the suicidal, wanna be flying fish that should have died years ago? Yeah, well, they have taken their soul train folk show to the electric boogaloo. Lovely.
How does a goldfish, with a 2 second memory(HA!) get a power supply to the tank of 'tudeness? Apparently by flicking water over the edge and onto the waterproof filter? It's the best I can figure at least. We unhitched their power supply and decided to let the indoor pond go au'naturale. So far so good.
Beta, however, is going on protest. Our lil activist fish probably instigated the whole thing.
And so continues life in the Funhouse.
the gold fish shocked me!
The goldfish have electricity Ma'.
No they don't, they have voracious appetites and wonky habits, but no electricty.
uh huh. they do. they shocked me. Stick your hand in there.
*ponders what joke oldest son is up to - decides to risk it* **further decides to not ask why son was petting the goldfish**
YEOOOOWCH! They ARE electric.......
Somehow or other my goldfish, you know, the suicidal, wanna be flying fish that should have died years ago? Yeah, well, they have taken their soul train folk show to the electric boogaloo. Lovely.
How does a goldfish, with a 2 second memory(HA!) get a power supply to the tank of 'tudeness? Apparently by flicking water over the edge and onto the waterproof filter? It's the best I can figure at least. We unhitched their power supply and decided to let the indoor pond go au'naturale. So far so good.
Beta, however, is going on protest. Our lil activist fish probably instigated the whole thing.
And so continues life in the Funhouse.
Cincinatti update
Our family has been living in a job security flux for longer than I wanna think about. His current employer is closing up shop and moving to Cincinatti. He was told he would still have a job....months ago. We've been waiting for the offer.
so you sitting/stalking and want to hear?
yesterday the hard job offer came in from his current employment about the move to Cincy. It was total junk.
well, hubbo came home at lunch to grouch and deservedly so. I tried to get his mood to shift, you know me, "Praise the Lord we know we don't need to be with that company" yadda yadda
I tried, but you know, he went back to work still grouchy. Once there he was talking to the guy who was going to make the move with him and be his new boss (we really like this guy) and Rick was just floored at the backhanded slap that was the job offer. So as they were talking about get, getting more and more annoyed and just about where he got fed up........................a phone call came in for tech support from the company's leading USA competitor. So Hubbo is talking to the guy and being guarded with help, cause it's the competition after all, he finally asks "off the record, what do you guys do?"which leads to a good long conversation, and a few interesting tidbits. Like they are hiring, and expanding. The fellah gives Hubbo all the names and phone numbers he would need to talk with
It would be ALL God to, cause you know, aint it just a curiosity that it's the one company My husband never sent his resume to?
It gets better.
The machine he was giving tech advice for(did I mention he is literally the only man in the usa who knows these swedish made machines inside and out and that's why we expected a MUCH better offer from his current employer? It will cost them 30g a month to bring in equally knowledgeable people from Sweden), is the SAME machine the sales guy dropped the ball on back in December.
Hubbo has jumped through a million hoops for this company trying to make the company actually help its client and the client knows it. All of the clients are like that, they specifically ask for him because of the efforts he puts into his job. 'Cause he does go the extra mile, and the clients know the fall outs are not him.
So, it would be great if he got on there, and it's likely a good deal of clients would follow him there. Hubbo hates having his name associated with a company that treats its clients so poorly. This new place is family owned and Christian to boot! Their work goal page thingy is packed with scripture....AND it happens to be in the area we wanted to move to to begin with!
Not done yet
So Hubbo gets the hiring managers # right? The guy is out of the country right now, guess when he will be back?
June 25th, the day we were already going to be in the area on vacation. Isn't that like so totally cool?
Now if the company doesn't want Hubbo, well that's okay, but it would be so fantastic if this was the answer to our prayers and it totally changed his attitude an everything.
But you know me, I mean yall have been through this with me before where I thought something was gonna happen one way, and was let down, so I'm cautious on this one, you know?
If God wants this to happen, he will make it happen, in spite of everything;
Thats it inna nutshell.
So, would you all please pray for this job situation to be resolved soon? Living in this uneasyness is difficult at best and this company really does sound like the answer to prayer. It would be wonderful of you. Thanks
so you sitting/stalking and want to hear?
yesterday the hard job offer came in from his current employment about the move to Cincy. It was total junk.
well, hubbo came home at lunch to grouch and deservedly so. I tried to get his mood to shift, you know me, "Praise the Lord we know we don't need to be with that company" yadda yadda
I tried, but you know, he went back to work still grouchy. Once there he was talking to the guy who was going to make the move with him and be his new boss (we really like this guy) and Rick was just floored at the backhanded slap that was the job offer. So as they were talking about get, getting more and more annoyed and just about where he got fed up........................a phone call came in for tech support from the company's leading USA competitor. So Hubbo is talking to the guy and being guarded with help, cause it's the competition after all, he finally asks "off the record, what do you guys do?"which leads to a good long conversation, and a few interesting tidbits. Like they are hiring, and expanding. The fellah gives Hubbo all the names and phone numbers he would need to talk with
It would be ALL God to, cause you know, aint it just a curiosity that it's the one company My husband never sent his resume to?
It gets better.
The machine he was giving tech advice for(did I mention he is literally the only man in the usa who knows these swedish made machines inside and out and that's why we expected a MUCH better offer from his current employer? It will cost them 30g a month to bring in equally knowledgeable people from Sweden), is the SAME machine the sales guy dropped the ball on back in December.
Hubbo has jumped through a million hoops for this company trying to make the company actually help its client and the client knows it. All of the clients are like that, they specifically ask for him because of the efforts he puts into his job. 'Cause he does go the extra mile, and the clients know the fall outs are not him.
So, it would be great if he got on there, and it's likely a good deal of clients would follow him there. Hubbo hates having his name associated with a company that treats its clients so poorly. This new place is family owned and Christian to boot! Their work goal page thingy is packed with scripture....AND it happens to be in the area we wanted to move to to begin with!
Not done yet
So Hubbo gets the hiring managers # right? The guy is out of the country right now, guess when he will be back?
June 25th, the day we were already going to be in the area on vacation. Isn't that like so totally cool?
Now if the company doesn't want Hubbo, well that's okay, but it would be so fantastic if this was the answer to our prayers and it totally changed his attitude an everything.
But you know me, I mean yall have been through this with me before where I thought something was gonna happen one way, and was let down, so I'm cautious on this one, you know?
If God wants this to happen, he will make it happen, in spite of everything;
Thats it inna nutshell.
So, would you all please pray for this job situation to be resolved soon? Living in this uneasyness is difficult at best and this company really does sound like the answer to prayer. It would be wonderful of you. Thanks
Monday, June 4, 2007
Sewing fiend
Friday, June 1, 2007
Last night I had 2 women at the church ask me to teach them how to knit, I am totally geeked. heh.
We are going to do the basic garter stitch washcloth. Easy Peasy and a quick knit!
My friend Sara is 5 months preggo with their 5th child. Can I just say how much I love that I'm not the only mother my age with more than two or three? And she knits, and she homeschools them too *swoon*
Her hubbo and Himself get on like mud and Jeeps.
Every Thursday night her kids come to my house to play, so she and I can zip off to church sans kiddos. This has only been going on for two weeks, and both times her hubbo had the night off from work so came over too. It's working out wonderfully. Himself gets to play, and the kids get to enjoy others that have a lot in common with. Whoot!
By the end of the night the house is utterly destroyed, but has a great feeling of contentment. Awesome.
My incredibly talented friend has finally decided to share her skills with the world. I own one of the first bags she made, and I kid you not, use it practically every day. It's my sock in progress "must have". You must go see.
In other news, for all you stressed out mommas out there, I can not recommend this stuff enough. I've been taking it for about two weeks and my DH wants me to never be without it. LOL
I'm getting some for my sister. Her personality turns into something no man should have to live with during her time of the month, I think it will help....I'm laughing as I write this, but I'm serious too. heh heh
It says it's a sleep aid, but really it just helps your crankiness factor. Ironically it's made from passion flower extract wahahahahahahahaaaa
Today I'm going to spend some more quality time with the PW while the kids play in the jungle of our back yard....
We are going to do the basic garter stitch washcloth. Easy Peasy and a quick knit!
My friend Sara is 5 months preggo with their 5th child. Can I just say how much I love that I'm not the only mother my age with more than two or three? And she knits, and she homeschools them too *swoon*
Her hubbo and Himself get on like mud and Jeeps.
Every Thursday night her kids come to my house to play, so she and I can zip off to church sans kiddos. This has only been going on for two weeks, and both times her hubbo had the night off from work so came over too. It's working out wonderfully. Himself gets to play, and the kids get to enjoy others that have a lot in common with. Whoot!
By the end of the night the house is utterly destroyed, but has a great feeling of contentment. Awesome.
My incredibly talented friend has finally decided to share her skills with the world. I own one of the first bags she made, and I kid you not, use it practically every day. It's my sock in progress "must have". You must go see.
In other news, for all you stressed out mommas out there, I can not recommend this stuff enough. I've been taking it for about two weeks and my DH wants me to never be without it. LOL
I'm getting some for my sister. Her personality turns into something no man should have to live with during her time of the month, I think it will help....I'm laughing as I write this, but I'm serious too. heh heh
It says it's a sleep aid, but really it just helps your crankiness factor. Ironically it's made from passion flower extract wahahahahahahahaaaa
Today I'm going to spend some more quality time with the PW while the kids play in the jungle of our back yard....
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