Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Call me a Quiltin Bee

This is the Beginnings of Blue Belle Blankie

And I'm lovin' every minute of it.


Desiree said...

So pretty!!!! I didn't realize you quilted too. What a woman!

Holly said...

Very, very pretty! One of these days I'm gonna quilt-if I can ever put down the knitting...
That big 'thunk' you heard a little while back? That was my jaw hitting the floor after I scrolled down and read your earlier post about gun control. Now THAT is unnerving!

the girl with pointy sticks said...

Knittygurl, I am a total newbie at this whole quilting thing. It's almost as addicting as knitting....almost ;)
Thank ya!

Holly, hi *waves*
Thanks. Quilting has its own rhythm. A benefir is I'll have a fully finished blanket in far less time than if I knitted it. Nothing will ever replace knitting tho :-D

Those gun control numbers are quite staggering aren't they? I'm not sure why that post is not allowing comments, I didn't do that on purpose hmmmmmmm.
Thanks for commenting :-D

Jess said...

How big is that gonna be lady? Its so nice.

Jenn said...

What a pretty quilt! I like how the shadows from the fence make it look a little like it's already quilted...

Quilting is such a nice companion to knitting. It uses totally different muscles and brain cells!